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Monday, February 21, 2011

Turn Back Time!

Oh, to turn back time!!  I treasure these kids and these moments.  Each one has a funny story~~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Amber......and her faces!

The blessing is:  you can tell what she is feeling at any given moment.  The curse: you are lucky to get a good one of her smiling!  (unless she takes it herself.)

Gotta love this chicky!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Circus - Shelby Style

We made it to the circus! It was not an easy task as the day itself was LONG and many obstacles in its place. The blessing was we had a house full of men that came for a superbowl party and either the girls and I hung out upstairs OR we head to the circus for the evening.

I am glad we went. The noise was too much for Shelby and she spent a lot of time with her hands over her ears and then we had a young one behind us that kept hitting us with his laser sword or kicking us with his shoes.....I have never been so happy for half time when we could switch seats.

Too commend her for making it through and not allowing the situations to keep her from enjoying the circus, we celebrated with a $5 slurpee!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day - Shelby Way~

We have always wanted to do a "love" party for Valentine's Day and this year we made it happen. Shelby picked out plates, serving dishes, candy, do dads, valentine cards, etc. and she went to town decorating.

She did a wonderful job and it was so neat to see her excitement ooze out of her. It was a very fun evening!

She even made a special treat.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Work and School Time

The above pictures remind me of the good times of homeschooling! Those are the images that I hunger for and the moments where everything clicks together! This week I realize, those moments are coming fewer and fewer and frustration has entered the Holliday house. So this next week will be spent in prayer as we figure out again a balance between my work and my heart......there is not enough time for both!

As a side note, I love coming home to drawings such as says it all!!!