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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Let Loose

Okay - I just need to let loose and enjoy blogging....and even more so, because I need softer edges of my heart. As I was reading my Bible today, I realized that the Lord made all seasons, all things for us to enjoy and to take care of. Some of us (like me) are stuck in the taking care of, while others (my kids) are my term today is to enjoy! Enjoy the little things, the big things, but most of all everything.

Shelby has been begging to open the pool. Of course Mike and I were so busy doing other things that we did not take the time to look at her heart and face.....she did not care if the water was clean, or filled all the way up, or even if the water temperature was warm. She just wanted to when the moment came....she was gone and laughed the rest of the evening. So today marks the day I laugh and enjoy.

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